

A brief introduction

I was born in Indiana during a freak mid-April snowstorm and grew up amongst fields of corn and fireflies. My sister and I were the little kids hanging out at their parent’s store. I was always drawing some big scheme—house plans with water features that moved through each room, gestural figure drawings, or hand crafted newspapers that I exchanged with my best friend in 3rd grade. We lost touch when her dad was transferred to New York, but in my heart I know she became a creative like me.

Over the years I have learned to work hard, dream big and appreciate beauty. This beauty may take the form of a graceful line, a well told story or a trusted friendship.

A good friend and mentor once spoke about our lives as lines that squirrel about in a tangled mess. Where they cross may seem random, until they weave into intention.

My intention is to make the world a little bit better for my having been in it. I am happy our lines have crossed. Now what?